Senyum (lagi)

| Friday, March 25, 2011 | 0 comments |
Halo semuanya. Halo untukmu yang sudah tersenyum bagiku hari ini. Halo juga untukmu yang sudah beberapa hari ini senyummu tak tampak di hari-hariku yang, ah sudahlah tak perlu dilanjutkan.
Aku hanya bisa berharap untuk bisa melihat senyumanmu dengan lesung pipit yang hanya satu itu dapat ku lihat kapan saja, di mana saja ku mau. Tapi, mungkinkah itu terjadi?
Ku ingat kembali hari-hari itu. Dan ku bayangkan aku kembali pada saat-saat itu. Hari-hari dengan senyuman itu.Ya, begitu indahnya. Membuat aku merasa sedikit tergelitik hahaha.
Ya, senyuman itu. Senyuman yang biasa kau berikan padaku.
Mungkin, sekarang senyummu yang hanya satu itu sudah jadi milik orang lain.
Dia. Yang ada disana, yang mungkin sedang memikirkan mu. oh, aku merasa bodoh untuk ini. Dia, yang beruntung atau biasa saja, aku tak peduli dan tak akan mau peduli.
Biarlah senyuman itu hanya tetap jadi milikmu. 
Abadi, sampai selamanya, menghiasi wajahmu yang hanya satu itu. 
Mungkinkah jika aku menyimpannya dalam toples dan menutupnya rapat-rapat kemudian menjaganya supaya jangan sampai ada yang mengambilnya dariku? Agar aku bisa melihat dan merasakan keindahan darinya setiap saat ku mau? Terlalu mustahil, sayang.
Senyum bukanlah seperti itu adanya, biarlah senyumanmu tetap hanya satu yang pernah kulihat dan hanya satu yang memilikinya. Ya, sebab masing-masing pribadi kita hanya ada satu di dunia yang begitu besarnya.
Tetaplah tersenyum, buat semua orang disekitarmu bahagia dengan melihat salah satu dari sekian banyak senyum yang kau punya, yang bisa kau berikan pada mereka.
Doaku beserta setiap langkah hidupmu. Tertawalah selagi bisa. Mencintai lah sebanyak yang kau mampu. Dan hiduplah sebaik-baiknya. Sebab hidup hanya satu kali.
Tetaplah bahagia walau kau tak bersama ku. Ku yakin Tuhan pasti akan memberikan kebahgiaan itu untukmu, sayang.

God, i'm begging You.

I'm scared of tomorrow.
Really scared of tomorrow. No, tomorrow isn't the end of the world. 
But, i definitely will feel like that if i was failed.
I want to make my parents happy with this, but i just don't know how.
All that i've ever done for them seems like its just irritating them.
Lord, i surrender tomorrow into Your super-mighty hands. Where all the miracles are possible to happens, and dreams can come true.
Once again, i'm begging You.
Thank You, Lord Jesus. You're the greatest of all.


| Wednesday, March 23, 2011 | 0 comments |
Is it that important to have a friend? Or a best-friend?
Is it sounds that weird if we have no one of them?
I can't say which one is true and which one is wrong. Because, we're all need time to find all the meaning from this.
Having a best-friend(s) would be really funny! They will make you feel like you're living in your own world, where there is only you and them belong.
But, do you know whats happening with someone who doesn't have, even only one of them?
It sounds terrible, isn't it?
The problem, we don't know what people thinking about us. We don't know what they want from us. Is it good or bad, we don't know.
I'm thanking God, for having a best-friends like all of you. Yeah, ALL OF YOU. <3


Missing someone when you're alone is not affection.
Thinking of someone when you're busy called "real affection".

The Way I See It #92


You are precious in His eyes ;) so smile!

And be the reason for someone's smile :) keep going!

i have to go.

| Tuesday, March 22, 2011 | 0 comments |
Goodnight to you all who were there.
I have to go now.
But wait, don't you forget to pray for everythings that happened today. Because today is only once, there's no other today.
And don't you be worry, cause i will definitely sleep with a smile on my face :) :) :) :) :)
And i will always pray for everyone, for you who were there. My angels will accompany you in your sleep. Sleep with smile ;)
Goodnight! God with you ;)

I just found this.


I find this picture, and feel that this is so true! Awesome.


Have a safe flight my aunt and my uncle!
Ini kedua kalinya nganterin tante ke bandara. Bandara itu emang tempatnya semua orang ada, semua perasaan juga ada disana kayanya.
Tapi, emang bener deh. Coba aja, kalo pada mau pergi ke mana gitu, pasti excited banget, kayanya waaaah banget (oke ini lebai) tapi bener kan?
Terus pas pulangnya pasti mikir kaya gini "ini waktu kok cepet banget sih ya, ga berasa deh, masa uda mau balik lagi" nah, mulai deh mellow, inget semua kelakuan pas liburan hahahaha, apalagi yang nganterin sama nemenin pas disana orangnya baik banget, bah udah deh, gausah ditanya huahahaha kisah nyata nih ya ceritanya :P
Oke balik lagi, udah berapa hari gue bareng terus sama mereka, emang udah biasa sih, tapi kalo mau pisah tuh kayanya gimana gitu, pas udah beneran pisah, rasanya ada yang ilang huehehe. Abis mereka baiknya gaada obat, yang ini beneran, asli.
Will talk to you later bout this, wait till they're both come home!
My pray with you. Lord will guide you in everywhere you are.

Hello (again) !

I still have no idea for what to write here.

What is LOVE?

| Friday, March 18, 2011 | 0 comments |
Love is nothing. sensation.   FRAGILE.   blind.     mystery.  unpredictable.   a GAME.    unconditional.    REAL.    weakness.     everything.   treasure.     affection.   DRUG.   PAIN.    complex.    pathetic.   cruel.    sorrow.    flame.     PASSION.     LIFEhappiness.     emotion.     mistakes.

Senyum. Sudahkah kau tersenyum hari ini?

Mari tersenyum! :) :) :) :) :)

Berikan senyumanmu untuk semua orang yang ada disekitarmu, tanpa ada pengecualian.
Ini yang sulit. Tidak hanya sedikit. Lumayan sulit. Bahkan bisa saja itu jadi yang sangat sulit. Tapi, hidup itu tantangan bukan? Jadi, hidupilah hidup ini, nikmati saja semua tantangan, masalah dan setiap bagian dari kisah hidupmu yang begitu luar biasa dengan tersenyum.
Berikanlah senyumanmu untuk orang-orang yang ada disekitarmu. Hari ini. Sebab hari ini hanya sekali. Hanya sekali. Takkan ada yang lain. Takkan ada pengulangan untuk itu. Bumi ini berputar, kawan.
Bilamana engkau menerima senyuman dari seseorang yang spesial, meskipun hanya satu, percayalah padaku, hari mu yang mungkin sedang mendung seperti awan yang mau hujan, akan dengan segera berubah menjadi hari yang sungguh teramat cerah, karena senyuman yang kau terima itu, bagaikan sinar matahari bagi harimu yang sedang mendung itu. AH.
Saat kau melihat dia sedang tersenyum, kau pasti takkan mengalihkan pandanganmu. Sebab sesal akan datang setelah kau menyadari bahwa kau tak melihat senyumnya.
Janganlah kau lewatkan setiap hari-hari dalam kisah hidupmu tanpa tersenyum. :')

You're fuckin perfect to me.

Made a wrong turn
Once or twice
Dug my way out
Blood and fire
Bad decisions
That's alright
Welcome to my silly life
Mistreated, misplaced, missundaztood
Miss "no way it's all good"
It didn't slow me down
Always second guessing
Look, I'm still around...

Pretty, pretty please
Don't you ever, ever feel
Like your less than
Fuckin' perfect
Pretty, pretty please
If you ever, ever feel
Like your nothing
You're fuckin' perfect to me

Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated.

Have no idea for what to say. This is true.


I'm wondering what is he thinking about. Because, many times i caught myself was thinking about you. Sometimes, i realised that i'm smiling with no reason, i don't know what i'm thinking at that time. And sometimes, i feel annoyed when suddenly i remember about you. Yeah, you.
And until one time, i've found the reason, even it's only one, to not like-ing you anymore. Wait, is it mean that i like you before? Even i can't find any answer when some people ask me about this. I just don't get the point with it.

That one reason is, you are not that worth for me to liking you.

Until i found, that 'amazing' girl was falling in love with you. I dont't know whether you realised it or not. And, listen, i don't want know, even a single thing about that because it is so much better for me.
Over all, i just wanna say thank you (because i don't want to be the ungrateful one) for everything you did to me in the past. Now they're all just called as memories. Which is can't be replayed.
For you, girl, thank you for making me know about who you really are. You are not so different from those people who could not see other people happy. How about revenge? REVENGE? Ah, i'm too lazy for that, i'm just gonna sit here and let karma take cares of you. Just wait, till that time arrives ;)

Another hello...

Hello to you all who were there. And the special hello for you, because you are special :)
I hope you are not the same as the other. I know that you're special in your own way.

You're different!

And i wish that you won't be the same with those who is selfish.

S-E-L-F-I-S-H. Selfish. Which means : thinking of the one's own pleasure or good and not considering other people. Thats what a selfish person means.

I don't have no idea for why they're being in that way. Hey! you're not made by God for being like that, in that way.

I hope the hearts of some people will be knocked, when i write this.

Don't you be worry, cause i definitely will pray for you. From here, to you. Just for you, my love. My angels will accompany you.

the first HELLO.

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Biggest HELLO for you there! May God bless you, your life, and still giving you chance for you to laugh in this unfairly world.. Hope there won't be any goodbyes.